copyright 2000
Cleveland Chapter
American Guild of Organists

Don't like the ads?
Relief is on the way...

Since the web site was started in 1999 we have hosted the site on a free server from, part of Lycos. When we started, we did not know what the reaction would be to a Cleveland Chapter web site, and we were hesitant to make a large, ongoing investment.

The price is right for free web server space, but there's no free lunch and users had to put up with advertising, over which we have no control. Particularly in recent months, some of the advertising has been in questionable taste.

At the same time, there is growing evidence that the web site is one of our most important outreach efforts to the community to get the word out about the AGO, pipe organ music, and professionals in religious music.

At their April 2, 2001, meeting, the Executive Board of the Cleveland Chapter decided to move the domain name and site to paid server space. These changes mean no more ads, as well as a host of new features "behind the scenes" that will make the chapter "more online."

A date is not yet set for the transition. It is a major project for your very part-time volunteer web coordinator. It will probably occur sometime this summer. For users of the site, the change will be transparent--it will all look and act the same, just no more advertisements.

Please be aware that the transition might mean a few days of downtime for the site, but we hope to minimize any inconvenience to our regular visitors.

If you have questions, please direct them to


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